Garden Design

Learn to:
Surveying, site analysis and appraisal
Layout plans, drawing and design conventions
Hard landscaping and garden accessory options
Planting plans
Visuals including axonometric drawing
Study at your own pace from 1-3 years to complete
Taught through a course manual
7 marked projects including plant study
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The courses are available now and can be started at any time of the year.
Distance Learning Garden Design
For those who cannot attend in person, this correspondence course guides you step-by-step through the garden design process and can be an introduction to a new career

Design or rethink your own garden. Takes you through drawing up a plan, planning the space, hard landscape layout and planting plans, plus how to draw up your proposals.


Surveying, site analysis and appraisal

Learn how to survey the garden using running dimensions, offsets and triangulation. Gain an appreciation of levels and a full assessment of the site in its current state.

Layout plans, drawing and design conventions

Learn how to express yourself graphically with a full understanding of your drawing equipment and how to use it.  Manipulate space on paper, playing with shapes and patterns creating designs which could be applied to gardens. Using the grid. Conventions of drawing up a layout plan detailing all hard landscaping elements.


Hard landscaping and garden accessory options

An overall appraisal of appropriate hard landscaping materials such as walls, steps, paths, paving, and garden features. How to integrate your proposals within the existing framework.

Planting plans

Learn the conventions of drawing up a planting plan to scale depicting trees, shrubs, herbaceous perennials, climbers etc. Understand the use of structural, accent and decorative plants. Drawing elevations of your plans to present to others.

Visuals including axonometric drawing

Learn how to communicate your design intent with visuals and mood boards to bring your plan to life.

Our Tutors

The EGS Distance Learning tutors have been trained at the English Gardening School by many of today’s leading garden designers, horticulturists and plantsmen. Our course attracts Distance Learning students from all over the world, who often use the course as a stepping stone to a new career.

You will need a garden to use while on the course.  Your own or a friend’s garden.  The therapeutic effect of gardening is well known and the course is an enjoyable learning curve.

How to Apply

To apply for this course and/or receive further information please click the button Apply for this course. Please note that the administration department will be closed from 8 - 19 July 2024 so no applications can be dealt with during that time and our apologies for any inconvenience.

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Caring for Your Garden

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Distance Learning Course Application Form

    You must accept our terms and conditions to apply. To read the terms and conditions please click here
    You must accept our privacy policy to apply. We would only ever contact you if you are EGS alumni or have been to one of our events or shown an interest in a course or an event at The English Gardening School. Sometimes we may ask alumni if we can give their contact details to potential students, but we always ask your permission.
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